Johnny Pan
Johnny Pan

Welcome to my Blog!

Aug 01, 2019

Welcome to my blog! It feels weird writing the same post again since a month ago; I started my blog. Since then, I coded my theme because let’s be honest; the default theme is a little boring. I started by programming journey in secondary by attaining a Javascript certification from W3schools.  Since then, I have barely touched web design, focusing more on the back-end. Back then, the trend is to use material design. I believe Google started implementing material design on Android at that point in time. I even coded the website used for competition using web starter kit (now Material Design Web).  During polytechnic, I am always intrigued to start a blog to share some of my side projects. I bought this domain name during my final year of polytechnic along with a few cloud hosting services. They gave me a good deal, hosting my blog using WordPress and an email server for barely 30 SGD per year if I remembered correctly. Closely to a year of procrastination later, I finally committed to starting a blog. 

I gave myself a challenge, host a blog and email with no hosting fees. After a bit of digging around, I found Jekyll, a powerful static site generator supported by GitHub Pages. The default theme Minima, which as the name implies, is minimalistic. It does the job, however; I wanted a site where I can customize the layout to my liking. I stumbled upon Material Design Lite web framework, spent around one month (I couldn’t work on it during Weekdays. Work cough) designing the site and implementing Jekyll. It was fun, kinda reminiscence the reason I started programming. I love this theme so much that I opened source it for anyone to use the theme ( 

My previous intention for the blog is to share experiences outside of IT. After some consideration, I think I will stick to my old plan of strictly writing about my IT projects. Below is an old screenshot of my blog. Even though I only got to host it for a month, it is time to move to a better thing xD

image (Screenshot of my old blog)

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