Johnny Pan
Johnny Pan

Deep Learning Introduction

Jun 01, 2021

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning where computers can learn and make intelligent decisions themselves. They accomplish this by replicating how the neurons in our brain work. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how a neuron works.


Applied Machine Learning in the Real World

Sep 30, 2019

One of my other interests besides cyber security is data science, specifically machine learning. Having went through the Stanford University machine learning course by Dr Andrew Ng, I felt that it has provided me with the technical knowledge to go further and look at how machine learning is applied in the real world.


Material Design Blog Theme

Aug 06, 2019

I created Material Design Blog theme as there is a lack of Jekyll Theme that uses the Material Design Lite framework, especially for blogging. This post will serve as a guide on the installation of the theme and showcase some of its features.


Welcome to my Blog!

Aug 01, 2019

Welcome to my blog! It feels weird writing the same post again since a month ago; I started my blog. Since then, I coded my theme because let’s be honest; the default theme is a little boring. I started by programming journey in secondary by attaining a Javascript certification from W3schools.  Since then, I have barely touched web design, focusing more on the back-end. Back then, the trend is to use material design. I believe Google started implementing material design on Android at that point in time. I even coded the website used for competition using web starter kit (now Material Design Web).  During polytechnic, I am always intrigued to start a blog to share some of my side projects. I bought this domain name during my final year of polytechnic along with a few cloud hosting services. They gave me a good deal, hosting my blog using WordPress and an email server for barely 30 SGD per year if I remembered correctly. Closely to a year of procrastination later, I finally committed to starting a blog.